
This tour of Northern Greece is full of fantastic archaeological sites, marked over the centuries by a cornucopia of peoples and cultures from the Macedonians, Thracians and Slavs to the Romans, Byzantines, Slavs and Ottomans. We follow in the footsteps of conquerors and travel through landscapes dotted with canyons, lakes, waterfalls rand rivers in an area thick with history. We discover famous sanctuaries and monuments to victory, palaces, painted tombs and exquisite pebble mosaics which survive at the Macedonian cities of Verghina and Pella. From the beautiful lakeside town of Kastoria , a town largely undiscovered by tourists, to Thessaloniki, a city whose historical importance and legacy which can be said to rival that of Constantinople.
What to Expect
- Admire the remarkable frescos which decorate the Byzantine churches of Kastoria
- Discover the waterfalls at Edessa, a city defined by water
- Enjoy the richest ancient burial ever found in Europe – the tomb of Philip II – and its extraordinary museum
- Explore ancient Pella, the capital of Macedonia and famous birthplace of Alexander the Great